Zone 9

Monthly To-Do List:


  • Indoors: Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants.

  • Outdoors: Peas, spinach, carrots, radishes, lettuce, and arugula.


  • Brassicas, lettuces, and onions outdoors.


  • Winter crops like kale, collards, broccoli, carrots, and citrus fruits.


  • Fertilize overwintering crops lightly if needed.

  • Watch for pests like aphids and manage accordingly.

  • Daily Inspiration for Living Seasonally

    We have ideas for you every single day to bring the garden indoors, live seasonally, and lean into life.

  • Garden Lessons

    Timely, detailed gardening lessons to help you learn as you go. We’re talking seed saving, garlic planting, growing greens, cover crops - you name it!

  • Seasonal Recipes

    Each month we will feature something that’s ripe and ready, garden-to-table style! There’s nothing quite like homemade and homegrown.

  • Monthly Live Calls

    Join Bailey for a live Zoom where she leads the members in a timely discussion about gardening. Ask all your questions here!

  • Members-only Podcast & Digital Resources

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